Thursday, March 25, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

What to do...

What to do.. What to do...

That's always running through my head like a broken record.
And when it comes time to stop and think about what I am going to do about the whole "college" thing, my head wants to explode. I hate it. I really do. Why couldn't I have been one of those stupid rich kids who had their parents pay for their college tuition or at least half... pfft. Guess what I got from my parents? NOTHING! But what good will it do me to dwell on all that crap? nothing. If anything it'll make me sick. So here I am again trying to sort out what I'm gonna do for school. CalARTS=impossible to get in, unless your like amazing (not me) or Art Center- Not really interested in. or the newest addition to the college blues - UCLA. I was told they have a pretty cool animation dept. I don't know but I'm going to go down and investigate. The big plus to going to UCLA is that it's a California State university, which means much much better financial aid, AND much cheaper than the other two. Cause let's face it, even IF I did get in... IFFFFF I get in, HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO PAY FOR THAT SCHOOL!?!?!? Which really upsets me. but you know what I really shouldn't give up just yet. I haven't even gone into CalARTS to talk numbers, which I really should do. but it still doesn't look very good for me... I just know it. Sometimes I wish I had a different talent OTHER than drawing.. Too damn expensive of a career to pursue. So for now, I have been told to get the "gen ed" out of the way cause with that being done, it makes the other schools a little cheaper cause you don't have to take their gen ed crap. UGHHH. this is all incredibly depressing for me.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Some Say...

Some say he is illegal in 17 US states, and he blinks horizontally...

Had to do another Stig. This time in CS3. There will definitely be more Stig drawings. He's fun to draw. Still experimenting with all the different texture bg's and brushes I can find. I hope one day I'll be super good at PS painting.

©Top Gear

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Me me meeeeeee!.

k. i'm done.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rat Finks and Cream Puffs

So... After many many months, I finally got my Photoshop back!! Yay! For once I can actually say I've been drawing all day. I have lots of stuff to look forward to! I am thinking about making an Etsy and sell some stuff, and also I want to draw, paint or whatever on something everyday - So maybe more updates? :3

Also exciting: I might have a piece featured in my buddy's Slide to Play review ( So that'll be pretty rad.

Anyway, Heres my latest thing. Rat Fink. I can't stop drawing him! He's so fun to draw!! I'm messing with textures and different background textures.

And my buddy was nice enough to bring me cream puffs today to fuel the artistic mind... pfft LOL. They were HUGE!! and delicious!

Anyway, I'll stop flapping my gums.