Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Stig facts

Just a little somethin' I did the other night. I've been obsessed with the Pilot Super Color markers. Those damn things stink so bad!!! But it's worth the headache. Anyway here's some interesting nuggets I pulled from the Top Gear site. Yes, I should be paying attention in class, but how can you do that when Top Gear is on your mind.

The tiny Argentinian village of Casco Blanco holds an annual Fiesta del Stigos, a three-day long festival during which all the villagers gorge on meat, refuse to speak and attempt to over-steer their mules around a specially laid-out course..... ell oh ell

In Thailand, it is an offense to construct a building in the shape of the Stig. Fortunately, this is a really stupid idea anyway, and no one has ever tried.

In parts of northwest China, the Stig is known as ‘Pang woo cheung', which translates as 'Silent man, good at drive'.

Monday, November 1, 2010

C a l A r t s

So I decided to start a new post with all my life drawings that I am doing for my CalArts portfolio. Thanks to my pal Melissa, I have met some pretty cool peeps in the character department. So here they are.. I don't know
if I'll post them in chronological order.... but really they all suck so I guess it doesn't matter anyhow. So enjoy.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE give my any kind of feedback. I suck at life drawing and I need all the help I can get! Thanks!!! :3

These ones here are I think a year or two old... I know they were quick gestures... not sure exactly how long, couldn't be more than 5 minutes. Will scan and post more ASAP

Some stuff I did in Cupertino.... I really need to stop doing "portraits" and draw the whole damn thing... but that's out of my comfort zone..... lol.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Ugh. I hate Valencia. but then I hate the valley too. I think I just hate people in general. Anyway. Got my Photoshop running again, so I drew this stupid picture. Hah! Man, I am having such bad artist block :( I figured out most of the problem though... It's my studio. IT'S A HOT MESS!!! I get all weird when things are very disorganized, and messy.. which equals my studio.... But I do have a plan to clean it up. It's just gonna take awhile.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's been awhile...

It's been awhile. Going through some difficult times.. With my art and other things. Feels good to be drawing a little more though, hopefully I can get back to normal.

Friday, April 9, 2010


This shall be my Perfie the cat sketch vomit space. You will be sick of my cat.
Newer drawing will be at the top.


Kristen. Finally a slightly better drawing of her. It's taken me so long to do a good picture of her :( She is so hard to draw!! She has such a unique face structure. She is good practice though! I just wish I didn't take so long to make her something...

Thursday, March 25, 2010